National Day of Action for Palestine – 17 April at TUS Moylish campus

National Day of Action for Palestine

Join staff and students across Ireland by taking a stand with Palestine!

This Wednesday, the 17th of April, in the Millennium Theatre foyer @ 1 PM we will be have key note speakers and will be joined by local, national and European politicians.

Israel’s war on 2.3 million Gazans has systematically targeted education:

  • All 12 universities bombed
  • 200 schools bombed
  • 53 schools destroyed

Among the dead:

  • 4327 students
  • 231 teachers
  • 95 deans and professors
  • 3 university presidents

What Irish third-level institutions should do:

  1. Condemn Israel’s mass killings of Palestinians.
  2. Condemn deliberate destruction of educational infrastructure.
  3. Demand an immediate ceasefire and unhindered access to aid.
  4. Offer sanctuary status to Palestinian academics and students.
  5. Review all ties with Israeli universities, institutions, and industries.
  6. Divest from companies associated with the arms industry.
  7. Implement a sector-wide Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) policy.

Read about scholasticide in Palestine:
Read about Palestine and its history:

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