Create a Listing

Please note that it may take up to one week for your accommodation listing to be updated on our website. We appreciate your patience during this process.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Note: Only your first name will be displayed on our website.
Address of Accommodation
Accommodation Type
In the next section, please indicate what type of room/s are available and how many of each you wish to list.
Duration of Stay
Gender Preference
Year of Study Preference
Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 10 files.
Please check this box if you have read and understood your rights and responsibilities of listing a property with TUSSU which can be found in the accommodation tab above
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Contact Information

Fill up the form and our Team will get back to you within 24 hours

West Campus, Dublin, Ireland


Coming Soon

We are currently building this! Be back soon! 

Contact Information

Fill up the form and our Team will get back to you within 24 hours

West Campus, Dublin, Ireland


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