TUSSU is the independent representative organisation for students of the Technological University of the Shannon.
Gearoid Folan
Deputy President for the Midwest
Email address: sudeputy.midwest@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0852635211
Jos Gjibels
Deputy President for Postgraduate Affairs
Email address: supostgrad@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0851276098
Dara Lenihan
Deputy President for the Midlands
Email address: sudeputy.midlands@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0852635269
Darragh Hogan
Vice President for Education & Welfare (Moylish)
Email address: sumoylish@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0852635207
AJ Shipley
Vice President for Education & Welfare (Clare Street & Ennis)
Email address: suartcollege@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0852635207
Paddy Carey
Vice President for Education & Welfare (Thurles & Clonmel)
Email address: suthurles@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0852635208
Malcolm McDonagh
Vice President for Education (Midlands)
Email address: sueducation@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0852635267
Kirstie Duffley
Vice President for Welfare (Midlands)
Email address: suwelfare@su.tus.ie
Phone number (mobile): 0852635268